Skinny summer drinks

I’m a girl who enjoys a good cocktail now and again, especially in the summer. I tend to switch up from my standard vodka soda with cranberry during the summer months dubbing it “my summer drink”. This summer I have dabbled in a few special summer drinks that I have skinnified for ya!

Skinny Mojito


  • Vodka
  • Agave nectar
  • Club soda
  • Lime
  • Fresh mint
  • Splenda (not pictured- depends how sweet you like your draaaanks!)

I guessed on the amounts for all of these so I suggest you do the same. Play around with it. Be careful with the agave, start with just a little bit and work your way up, it is very syrupy so it can ruin the drink if you overdo it.

Skinny Magarita

I was very reluctant to try Bethany Frankel’s Skinny Girl Margarita mix. I never think premixed beverages ever taste good or have the -ahem- “appropriate” amount of alcohol. I was shocked when I tried it though to find it was tasty and just about as strong as I like it! I used splenda instead of salt to line the rim of the glass which is a nice little trick. SkinnyGirl is sweetened with natural agave nectar and has only 100 cals per 4 oz serving! I give this a two thumbs up and can’t wait to try her new sangria!

Blueberry Vodka with Lemonade

This is so refreshing and has just the right amount of sweetness without being too over powering. You gotta get the mini frozen blubes though, it totally makes the drink! I got mine at costco, they are great for smoothies too!


Don’t forget to enter my giveaway!!!

12 responses to “Skinny summer drinks

  1. Kaila @healthyhelperblog!

    I can’t/don’t drink but these definitely look like fun drinks for summer time!

  2. blueberry vodka lemonade sounds absolutely delightful!

  3. Love the skinny mojito idea with vodka instead of rum! I’m not a huge rum person, but love mojitos!

  4. I have yet to try a skinny girl margarita, I have to try it

  5. You must be my long lost sister or something… so glad to find your blog! Great ideas! And I didn’t know skinnygirl was coming out with Sangria- can’t wait!!!

  6. Yummy! I’m not a big liquor girl, but even I might enjoy a few of these.

  7. I am loving the blueberry vodka/lemonade concoction. That sounds (and looks) like it would be a perfect refreshing. summer drink!

  8. I’m not a drinker, but the blueberry drink looks amazing! SO refreshing!

  9. I’ve been craving a mojito for like 2 months and still haven’t had one. Yours looks fantastic!!

  10. oh yum that blueberry vodka sounds delicious, the skinny girl sangria is delicious as well I demoed it a week ago and ended up bringing a case home 🙂 I add peaches to it and its so refreshing~

  11. Rach @ This Italian Family

    They’re all so pretty!

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