Roasted Brussels Sprouts

The veggie that kids love to hate, brussels sprouts. While the bitter taste is certainly an acquired one, I love these little things. Brussels sprouts are high in fiber and protein and contain a generous dose of vitamin A, folacin, potassium and calcium. They are naturally low in calories and fill you up without filling you out. This is an easy recipe and makes a great healthy side dish.


  • Brussels sprouts
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • Sea salt
  • Additional seasoning (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees

2. Wash brussels sprouts. Cut tops off and peel first layer of leaves off. Place sprouts in a mixing bowl.

3. Mix olive oil, salt and pepper with sprouts until thuroughly coated.

4. Sray a pan with non-stick cooking spray and lay brussels sprouts on pan.

5. Bake sprouts for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown on top.

6. Remove pan and transfer to serving bowl. Top with parmesan cheese and serve.


Do you have any other great way to jazz up this veggie?

What is your go-to veggie side that goes with everything?

Any fun crazy plans this weekend?


In other news:

Check out BOTH of my articles published by Fitblogger today:

  1. 10 Best Foods for Fat Loss
  2. 10 Surprising Superfoods

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7 responses to “Roasted Brussels Sprouts

  1. These look so good! I had never tried Brussels sprouts until probably last year. I’ve always thought they would be bad because they get a bad rap, but they’re really tasty- especially roasted 🙂

  2. I used to HATE brussels sprouts… then this year i had an epiphany and realized they can be delicious if cooked properly. and now whenever my school’s salad bar has them I eat them (though sometimes they’re undercooked and kind of super bitter, but sometimes they’re just perfect)

    roasted are my fave though 🙂

  3. I’ve actually never tried brussels sprouts! I love sauteeing my veggies though 🙂 Favorite way to eat them!

  4. I love roasted brussels sprouts! They’re perfect just by themselves with a little EVO and s&p! My other fave veggie side dish is roasted broccoli.

  5. When I was little I hated brussel sprouts with a passion, but once I got into healthy eating I tried them again and LOVED them! Roasted is the best way to eat them! YUM! 😀

  6. I am in love with Brussels Sprouts…I seriously have them everyday and love enjoying them roasted with marinara sauce and nutritional yeast…so delicious. Have a great night!

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