Two Year Anniversary – And The Dishin’ Continues

Two years ago, a professor of mine assigned us a homework assignment to start a blog. While most of my classmates let theirs go after a few days, something inside me kept me posting day after day. I don’t know if it was initially out of my love of writing and expressing my opinion or the fact that, I just like to talk – either way I kept it up, and it became so much more. I want to take today to take a step back and reflect on why this blog exists, what it means to me and who and what inspires me to continue blogging.

Why I Dish About Nutrish

I was warned but I always said I would never let it happen to me. I would NOT gain the freshman 15. But low and behold, I came home the summer after my freshman year of college 30 pounds heavier and a whole lot unhappier. It wasn’t hard to do. The food in the cafeteria was horrible (not that I was trying to make good decisions in the first place), I quick any and all exercise, I was sleep deprived and I partied harder than I studied. I was always sick, I had no energy, and my mood swings were all over the place. It was like my body was screaming at me to stop treating it like crap! That summer I came home to my mom, a personal trainer and avid health nut, who made it her personal goal to get me back on track to a healthier lifestyle. She signed me up for a half marathon and started teaching me how to cook healthy meals. I felt my energy increase, I felt good and I was in a much more stable, happy mood. I began to really like the new, healthier me. I started researching health and nutrition and by the end of summer I was hooked. We finished the race hand-in-hand and by sophomore year I was back to healthy weight.

Inspiration behind Dishin’ About Nutrition

This blog has become much more to me than just a food journal, creative outlet or fun side project. The people that I have met through doing this, the people I follow and look forward to reading their blogs everyday inspire me in so many ways. For example Carrie, at Moves and Munchies, may be all the way over on the other side of the pond, but she has inspired me to open up and not be afraid to talk about controversial subjects like she has with her eating disorder series. And Mavis, at The Kitchen Bitch, always has fabulous recipes that challenge the wannabe cook in me to experiment with recipes like her mushroom tofu gratin and her ground venison burgers. My boyfriend still says one of his favorite meals I’ve ever made was her broccoli and cheese soup!

I wish I could give everyone that comes to my blog regularly a little something special to show you my appreciation. While I can’t give everyone something, at least one of you does! The winner of my Arbonne Giveaway goes to….

Congrats to Lindsay with Living Lindsay! I will send you an email to confirm your address and send you your goodies tomorrow!

20 responses to “Two Year Anniversary – And The Dishin’ Continues

  1. Hey, congrats on two years! Cool that your mother is a personal trainer. I discovered running after having gestational diabetes with my third child…never had any weight to lose but it’s definitely made a huge impact on my life. Doing my third half-marathon in a few short weeks!

  2. Congrats on two years!! And I’m sooo excited that I won! I was just thinking about how I NEVER win giveaways – so what a treat! I’ll be on the lookout for your email. Thanks! 🙂

  3. Mmmm broccoli and cheese soup. My mouth waterssss.

    hey, congratulations on two years of blogging. 🙂 Here’s to twenty or more to come!

  4. movesnmunchies

    thank you!!!!! oh my gosh what you said about me was so sweet and IM So happy i have inspired you to open up more! that is ssuch a cool assignment to start a blog and that you then continued on a blog journey! your mom is amazing to have helped you out to become a healthier you!

  5. Congrats on two years of blogging!! So awesome that your mom really helped you get back onto eating healthy! Here’s to 2 more years of awesome blogging!

  6. i haven’t seen that movie yet! i’m so excited to bc i read the book and loved it!

  7. Congrats on continuing to live healthy, happy and fit and for 2 years of successful sharing!!

  8. Thanks so much for the mention! I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you through your blog … I’m so glad you decided to keep it up. I think my one-year anniversary probably just passed … maybe I should celebrate too! Keep on blogging, girl!

  9. I love your healthy living story! I can’t believe you lost 30 pounds so fast! GOOD JOB!!
    AND happy 2 year blogiverssary! 🙂

  10. congrats! and happy 2 year anniversary!

  11. Congrats on your two years!! It’s definitely not easy but you are amazing at what you do 😀

  12. Awesome that your professor told you to start a blog! And I think for some people (you and me obviously included ;)) blogging can be incredibly helpful. Okay, you need to like the writing and have some continuity with it, but it really helps you to be accountable.

  13. Congrats!
    What a cool teacher! I wonder if the teacher and classmates still read your blog and are jealous that they didn’t keep up with theirs!


  14. Congrats on two years of blogging, Jessica! Your inspiring words have definitely touched many people’s lives, and I’m sure they’ll continue to do so for MANY years to come!

    (Btw, broccoli cheese is my very favorite soup…I’m drooling!) xoxo

  15. Pingback: Blogging Inspiration: Dishin’ About Nutrition | Healthy Living Blogs

  16. i love this post!! it let me know more about you!

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